主要從事泵優化設計和流體機械多相流研究,發表學術論文60餘篇,獲國家科技進步二等獎(第7)、中國機械工業科學技術一等獎(第2)、教育部科技進步二等獎(第1)等科技獎勵。入選牛頓基金中英創新****(2017)、聯合國可持續發展目标青年工程師獎(2018)、江蘇省工程熱物理學會優秀青年科技工作者(2019)、江蘇省青年崗位能手(2020)、數字仿真青年科技獎(2021)、江蘇青年五四獎章(2022)、I&EC Research有影響力研究者(2023)、江蘇青年雙創英才(2024)。
[1]周嶺, 施衛東, 陸偉剛. 新型井用潛水泵設計方法與試驗研究, 北京: 機械工業出版社, 2015.(專著,23萬字)
[2]周嶺,施衛東. 離心泵, 北京: 機械工業出版社, 2020.(譯著,123萬字)
[3]Bai L, Zhou L*. Aiming for fish-friendly hydropower plants. Science, 2021, 374(6571), 1062-1063.
[4]Han Y, Zhou L*, Bai L, Shi W, Agarwal R. Comparison and validation of various turbulence models for U-bend flow with a magnetic resonance velocimetry experiment. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 125117.
[5]Yang Y, Zhou L*, Shi W, He Z, Han Y, Xiao Y. Interstage difference of pressure pulsation in a three-stage electrical submersible pump. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 196, 107653.
[6]Yang Y, Zhou L*, Hang J, Du D, Shi W, He Z. Energy characteristics and optimal design of diffuser meridian in an electrical submersible pump. Renewable Energy, 2021, 167, 718-727.
[7]El-Emam M, Zhou L*, Shi W, Han C, Bai L, Agarwal R. Theories and Applications of CFD–DEM Coupling Approach for Granular Flow: A Review, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021, 28, 4979-5020.
[8]Yang Y, Zhou L*, Bai L, Xu H, Lv W, Shi W, Wang H. Numerical investigation of tip clearance effects on the performance and flow pattern within a sewage pump. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2022, 144(8), 081202.
[9]Zhou L, Han C, Bai L, Li W*, El-Emam M, Shi W. CFD-DEM bidirectional coupling simulation and experimental investigation of particle ejections and energy conversion in a spouted bed. Energy, 2020, 211, 118672.
[10]Zhou L*, Hang J, Bai L, Krzemianowski Z, El-Emam M, Yasser E, Agarwal R. Application of entropy production theory for energy losses and other investigation in pumps and turbines: a review. Applied Energy, 2022, 318, 119211.
Email: lingzhou@ujs.edu.cn,聯系電話:138-1547-7737。