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發布日期:2023-01-31  浏覽次數:

研究員澳大利亞奮進學者(Professor, Australia Endeavor Fellowship)


電子郵件: longyan.wang@connect.qut.edu.au



江蘇大學碩士(2010.9-2013.6) 流體機械及工程專業



2020.06-至今 江蘇大學研究員

2017.08-2020.05 江蘇大學資格研究員,碩導

2018.07-2019.01 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學博士後

2016.10-2017.07 澳大利亞昆士蘭科技大學博士後


本課題組依托國家工程中心平台,主要探索人工智能在流體力學及流體機械中的應用,具體基于數據挖掘及智能算法對旋轉機械(風力機和潮流能水輪機等)二維到三維結構設計、控制策略、流場調控等方面開展全方位研究。現已建成或擁有包含閉式循環水洞,開式風洞在内的基礎實驗設施及數據采集處理設備,且在大型工作站及HPC超算輔助下,具有強大的數值計算及實驗數據處理能力。基于現有海外背景及長期研究合作關系,優秀學生可以進一步推薦赴阿爾伯塔大學,昆士蘭大學,悉尼大學等國際知名高校聯培或攻博。本課題組現已發表高水平SCI論文二十餘篇,包含Physics of Fluids, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management等頂刊,具體研究方向有:

1. 基于開源OpenFOAM軟件及計算機視覺技術的高精度流場數值計算方法

2. 基于數據挖掘和機器學習算法的實驗流場精細化方法

3. 流體機械結構設計優化及智能調控


2021-2022 基于深度學習方法的水翼動力學特性快速精确預測研究 江蘇省博士後基金

2021-2023 風力機偏最優運行抑制尾流作用機理及其控制優化研究 國家自然科學基金

2019-2020 深海潛水器電力推進系統設計與關鍵技術的研究 流體工程裝備技術研究院項目

2018-2023 基于CNN的水翼動力學特性快速精确預測研究 江蘇大學高級人才啟動基金

2018-2020 基于尾流抑制作用的風力機組控制策略優化研究 中國博士後面上基金

2018-2021 尾流效應影響下的風力機組運行控制優化研究 江蘇省自然科學基金

2018-2019 基于數據挖掘技術的風力機運行狀态監測及診斷分析 澳大利亞奮進學者項目


Year 2021

23. Zhaohui Luo, Wei Luo, Junhang Xie, Jian Xu, Wang Longyan*. A new three-dimensional wake model for the real wind farm layout optimization, Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2021. (DOI: 10.1177/01445987211056989), SCI

22. Wang Longyan*, Zhaohui Luo, Jian Xu, Wei Luo, etc. A novel framework for cost-effectively reconstructing the global flow field by super-resolution, Physics of Fluids, 2021. 33, 095105, JCR 1區

21. Ruijia Cao, Jianping Yuan, Fanjie Deng and Wang Longyan*. Numerical method to predict vibration characteristics induced by cavitation in centrifugal pumps, Measurement Science and Technology, 2021. 32, 115109, SCI

20. Yunkai Zhou, Wang Longyan*, Jianping Yuan, Wei Luo, etc. Comparative Investigation on Hydrodynamic Performance of Pump-Jet Propulsion Designed by Direct and Inverse Design Methods, Mathematics, 2021. 9, 343, SCI

Year 2020

19. Jianping Yuan, Yang Chen, Wang Longyan*, Yanxia Fu, etc. Dynamic Analysis of Cavitation Tip Vortex of Pump-Jet Propeller Based on DES, Applied Sciences, 2020. 10,5998. SCI

18. Jian Xu, Wang Longyan*, Stephen Ntiri Asomani, Wei Luo, etc. Improvement of Internal Flow Performance of a Centrifugal Pump-As-Turbine (PAT) by Impeller Geometric Optimization, Mathematics, 2020.8,1714. SCI

17. Stephen Ntiri Asomani, Jianping Yuan, Wang Longyan*, Desmond Appiah, etc. The Impact of Surrogate Models on Multi-Objective Optimization of Pump-As-Turbine, Energies, 2020.13,2271. SCI

16. Stephen Ntiri Asomani, Jianping Yuan, Wang Longyan*. Geometrical Effects on Performance and Inner Flow Characteristics of A Pump-As-Turbine: A Review, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2020. 12(4): p. 1-19. SCI

15. Wang Longyan*, Stephen Ntiri Asomani, Jianping Yuan, Desmond Appiah. Geometrical Optimization of Pump-As-Turbine (PAT) Impellers for Enhancing Energy Efficiency with 1-D Theory, Energies, 2020.13,4120. SCI

Year 2019

14. Wang, Longyan, Ming J Zuo*, Jian Xu, Yunkai Zhou, etc. Optimizing Wind Farm Layout by Addressing Energy-Variance Trade-off : A Single-Objective Optimization Approach, Energy, 2019.189, 116149, JCR 1區

13. Wang, Longyan*. Comparative Study of Wind Turbine Placement Methods for Flat Wind Farm Layout Optimization with Irregular Boundary, Applied Sciences, 2019. 9,639. SCI

Year 2018

12. Wang, Longyan*, Michael E. Cholette, Yunkai Zhou, Jianping Yuan, etc. Effectiveness of Optimized Control Strategy and Different Hub Height Turbines on a Real Wind Farm Optimization. Renewable Energy, 2018. 126 : p. 819–829. JCR 1區

11. Wang, Longyan*, Michael E Cholette, Yanxia Fu, Jianping Yuan, etc. Combined Optimization of Continuous Wind Turbine Placement and Variable Hub Height. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018. 180: p. 136–147. JCR 1區

10. Wang, Longyan*, Jianping Yuan, Michael E. Cholette, Yanxia Fu, etc. Comparative Study of Discretization Method and Monte Carlo Method for Wind Farm Layout Optimization under Weibull Distribution, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2018. 180: p. 148–155. JCR 1區

9. Wang, Longyan*, Yunkai Zhou, and Jian Xu. Optimal Irregular Wind Farm Design for Continuous Placement of Wind Turbines with a Two-Dimensional Jensen-Gaussian Wake Model. Applied Sciences, 2018. 8 (12), 2660. SCI

Year 2017

8. Wang Longyan, Michael Cholette, Andy Tan, Yuantong Gu*. A computationally-efficient layout optimization method for real wind farms considering altitude variations. Energy, 2017. 132: p. 147-159. JCR 1區

7. Wang Longyan, Andy Tan, Michael Cholette, Yuantong Gu*. Optimization of wind farm layout with complex land divisions. Renewable Energy, 2017. 105: p. 30-40. JCR 1區

Year 2016 and previous

6. Wang Longyan*, Andy Tan, Yuantong Gu. A novel control strategy approach to optimally design a wind farm layout. Renewable Energy, 2016. 95: p. 10-21. JCR 1區

5. Wang Longyan, Andy Tan, Michael Cholette, Yuantong Gu*. Comparison of the effectiveness of analytical wake models for wind farm with constant or variable hub heights. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016. 124: p. 189-202. JCR 1區

4. Wang Longyan, Andy Tan*, Yuantong Gu. Comparative study on optimizing the wind farm layout using different design methods and cost models. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015.146: p. 1-10. JCR 1 區

3. Wang Longyan*, Andy Tan, Yuantong Gu, Jianping Yuan. A new constraint handling method for wind farm layout optimization with lands owned by different owners. Renewable Energy, 2015. 83: p. 151-161. JCR 1區

2. Jianping Yuan*, Wang Longyan, Zhixia He, et. al. The research of performance comparison of displacement and mixing ventilation system in catering kitchen. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2013. 4: p. 638-646

1. Jianping Yuan*, Wei Sun, Wang Longyan, et al. Numerical simulation research on vortex characteristics of centrifugal pump inlet recirculation. Advanced Materials research, 2012, 468: p. 2235-2240

Conference presentation

5. Wang Longyan, Jian Xu, Yunkai Zhou, Jianping Yuan, Influence of the rotor airfoil camber on the hydrodynamic performance of pump-jet propulsion, (15th Aisan International Conference on Fluid Machinery in Sept. 2019 in Busan, Korea)

4. Wang Longyan, Andy C. Tan, Robust wind farm layout optimization under Weibull distribution by Monte Carlo simulation, (13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management in Sept. 2018 in Stavanger, Norway)

3. Wang Longyan, Andy C.C. Tan, Michael E. Cholette, A real wind farm layout optimization using augmented analytical wake model, (2017 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering in Oct. 2017 in Chengdu, China)

2. Wang Longyan, Andy Tan, Michael Cholette, Yuantong Gu. Optimizing the unrestricted wind turbine placements with different turbine hub heights. (11th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management to be held in July, 2016 in Jiuzhaigou, China)

1. Wang Longyan, Md Rifat Shahriar, Andy Tan, et. al. Optimal design of wind farm layout and control strategy. (11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization in June, 2015 in Sydney, Australia)


CFD for Fluid Machinery 碩士/博士研究生 2019-2021 英文授課

Dynamics (computer lab) 本科生 2016&2017 英文授課


澳洲奮進學者(Endeavor Research Fellowship Award)

昆士蘭科技大學 Siganto獎章提名(Siganto Medalist Award Nominee)

昆士蘭科技大學優秀博士論文(Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award)

國家公派留學基金及昆士蘭科技大學獎學金(CSC and QUT scholarship)


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