石磊,男,江蘇溧陽人,法國國立高等工藝學院/江蘇大學雙博士學位,資格教授,碩士生導師,首批教育部博士後海外人才專項獲得者。先後主持江蘇省青年基金、中國博士後面上及江蘇大學金山論壇高層次人才項目。主要從事多自由度振蕩翼型繞流、空天海洋擺線槳及其系統内流及優化、湍流模型修正及開發、流動仿生控制等基礎理論研究。參與國際合作及國家自然科學基金項目4項,以第一作者在Energy Conversion and Management、Energy、Journal of Fluids and Structures、Ocean Engineering、Applied Mathematical Modelling、European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids、Fluid Dynamic Research、International Journal of Multiphase Flow等知名刊物發表SCI論文10餘篇,擔任Physics of Fluids、Ocean Engineering、Energy、 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Applied Thermal Engineering等期刊審稿人。參編著作1部。積極開展國際交流與合作,與法國國立高等工藝學院、美國弗吉尼亞理工大學等建立了長期合作關系。在國際水力機械、國際旋轉機械動力學會議做報告2次。擔任第17屆亞洲流體機械國際學術會議分會場主席。
2022.09-至今 正规买球app排行,資格教授
2017.10-2021.12 法國國立高等工程技術學校 能源工程 博士 (導師: Olivier Coutier-Delgosha教授)
2016.09-2022.06 江蘇大學 動力工程及工程熱物理 博士 (導師: 張德勝研究員)
2013.09-2016.06 江蘇大學 流體機械及工程 碩士 (導師: 張德勝研究員)
2009.09-2013.06 江蘇大學 熱能與動力工程
[1] 多自由度振蕩翼型繞流特性及優化布置
[2] 空天海洋擺線槳及其系統内流及優化
[3] 湍流模型、轉捩模型修正開發及工程應用
[4] 水翼及複雜水力機械不穩定空化
[1] 教育部博士後海外引才專項,2024-2027,個人科研獎勵
[2] 江蘇省自然科學基金青年項目,2023.07-2026.06,主持,在研
[3] 中國博士後科學基金面上項目,2023.07-2025.07,主持,在研
[4] 江蘇大學高級人才科研啟動基金,2022.09-2025.09,主持,在研
[5] 國際合作項目(美國弗吉尼亞理工大學-法國國立高等工程技術學校),擺線槳不穩定渦流分析及優化,博士課題
[6] 國際合作項目(美國弗吉尼亞理工大學-法國國立高等工程技術學校),半浸式螺旋槳通氣空化特性研究,主要參與
[7] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,軸流泵尾緣垂直空化渦初生及其誘導流場失穩的機理研究(51776087),2018-2021,主要參與
[8] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,軸流泵葉頂洩漏渦雲狀空化脫落機理與不穩定性控制(51479083),2015-2018,主要參與
[1] Shi, L., Zhang, D., Bayeul-Lainé, A. C., & Coutier-Delgosha, O. (2023). Analysis of performance and flow structures of cycloidal rotors under different pitch-pivot-point and blade camber conditions. Energy, 282, 128997. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 9)
[2] Shi, L., Zhang, D., Bayeul-Lainé, A. C., & Coutier-Delgosha, O. (2023). Effect of pitching angle, pitch-pivot-point, blade camber and deflected sharp leading edge on performance and vortical flows of reversed pitching airfoils. Ocean Engineering, 280, 114637. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 5)
[3] Shi, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, D., Bayeul-Lainé, A. C., & Coutier-Delgosha, O. (2022). Parametrical study on separation-induced transition and vortex dynamics of a reversed pitching airfoil. Ocean Engineering, 264, 111665. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 5)
[4] Shi, L., Bayeul-Lainé, A. C., & Coutier-Delgosha, O. (2022). Analysis of flow-induced performance change of cycloidal rotors: Influence of pitching kinematic and chord-to-radius ratio. Ocean Engineering, 263, 112382. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 5)
[5] Shi, L., Bayeul-Lainé, A. C., & Coutier-Delgosha, O. (2022). Numerical investigations on unsteady vortical flows and separation-induced transition over a cycloidal rotor at low Reynolds number. Energy Conversion and Management, 266, 115812. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 10.4)
[6] Shi, L., Wang, Y., Bayeul-Laine, A. C., & Coutier-Delgosha, O. (2022). Effect of time-varying freestream on performance and vortex dynamics of forward and reversed pitching airfoils. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 110, 103508. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 3.6)
[7] Shi, L., & Wang, Y. (2021). Numerical investigations on transitional flows around forward and reversed hydrofoils. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 85, 24-45. (SCI,JCR二區,IF: 2.6)
[8] Shi, L., Wang, Y., Zhang, G., Jin, Y., & Zhang, D. (2020). Assessment of an improved turbulence model in simulating the unsteady flows around a D-shaped cylinder and an open cavity. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83, 552-575. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 5)
[9] Shi, L., Wang, Y., Jin, Y., Zhang, G., & Zhang, D. (2019). Parametrical study and turbulence analysis of high-speed flows around an open cavity using large eddy simulation. Fluid Dynamics Research, 51(3), 035503. (SCI,JCR四區,IF: 1.5)
[10] Shi, L., Zhang, D., Zhao, R., Shi, W., & Jin, Y. (2017). Effect of blade tip geometry on tip leakage vortex dynamics and cavitation pattern in axial-flow pump. Science China Technological Sciences, 60(10), 1480-1493. (SCI,JCR二區,IF: 4.6)
[11] Shi, L., Zhang, D., Jin, Y., Shi, W., & van Esch, B. B. (2017). A study on tip leakage vortex dynamics and cavitation in axial-flow pump. Fluid Dynamics Research, 49(3), 035504. (SCI,JCR四區,IF: 1.5)
[12] Zhang, D., Shi, L., Zhao, R., Shi, W., Pan, Q., & van Esch, B. P. M. (2017). Study on unsteady tip leakage vortex cavitation in an axial-flow pump using an improved filter-based model. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31(2), 659-667. (SCI,JCR三區,IF: 1.6)
[13] Zhang, D., Shi, L., Shi, W., Zhao, R., Wang, H., & Van Esch, B. B. (2015). Numerical analysis of unsteady tip leakage vortex cavitation cloud and unstable suction-side-perpendicular cavitating vortices in an axial flow pump. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 77, 244-259. (SCI,JCR一區,IF: 3.8)
[14] 石磊, 等. 基于密度修正的濾波器模型在軸流泵葉頂區空化數值模拟中的應用與驗證[J]. 振動與沖擊,2016,35(14):41-46
[15] 張德勝,石磊, 等. 軸流泵葉輪葉頂區空化特性試驗分析[J]. 浙江大學學報(工學版),2016,50(8):1585-1592
[16] 張德勝,石磊, 等. 基于DCMFBM模型的軸流泵葉頂區雲狀空化脫落預測[J]. 農業機械學報,2016,47(8):22-28.
[17] 張德勝,石磊, 等. 基于大渦模拟的軸流泵葉頂洩漏渦瞬态特性分析[J]. 農業工程學報,2016,31(11):74-80
[18] 張德勝,石磊, 等. 軸流泵葉輪葉頂區空化流的數值模拟與實驗研究[J]. 水利學報,2014,45(3):335-342